E-Books and E-Readers for E-Learning – Great e-Book on the topic

I was happy to come across this site. Of course, I’m a big believer in the use of technology for learning and recently, e-readers (including tablets) exploded in popularity thanks in no small part to the iPad as well as other popular options like Samsung’s Galaxy Tab/Note and Amazon’s Kindle (and more recently, the Fire). However, I get very nervous when people can only talk about how amazing the tech is and not about how it can be used (hopefully in innovative ways that make the learning environment/outcomes better).

That’s why I was so happy to come across this free e-book that features both methodological issues as well as cases across a variety of countries, including Korea, which interested me greatly.  It is a great overview of Korea’s efforts to date and plans for the future, as well as acknowledgements of the pedagogical difficulties.

The PDF can be directly downloaded here (5.45MB)

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