Category Archives: Personal

The Moth – The Tyranny of the 10-Speed Bike

I first listened to this on the Moth podcast. It really stopped me in my tracks. This wasn’t because it was a new concept, but rather that is was such a great metaphor. I encourage you to listen to this story and I hope that you take away something from it as I did.

How fast do you read?

I don’t know how accurate or important this is, but it is fun.  It is a common speed reading measure that takes the number of words read per minute with a comprehension gate (miss questions and it invalidates your session).  Give it a try yourself

ereader test
Source: Staples eReader Department

By the way, I was really slow, below the average 11th grader, the first time.  Having a longer passage and larger font pushed me way up, though still not to college professor range.  You can make those adjustments by clicking on the gear icon in the upper-right of the “book”.

Experimenting with new looks

I wasn’t really happy with the initial design of the website so I’m trying a new theme and header.  I liked the slider design that I used on another test installation.  I’d like to force myself to be more graphic (use more pictures) than my previous penchant for text only posts.

The picture in the header was drawn by a group of my students at the end of one semester. I thought it was wonderful, though it makes me little a lot like Philip Seymour Hoffman.  They added it to the end of a video that they had to do for a final project.

What do you think?

The Internet Never Forgets

I was looking through an old website to resurrect an old class.  What I didn’t expect to find was this picture of me with beard and an extra 60lbs.  This flash from the past drove the point home that the Internet never does forget.  Like an old photo album, this can bring back great memories, but it can also lead to significant embarrassment for some.

I often have students post assignments online. For years I brushed aside concerns about having their products available to the public. I put everything out there for the world to see, why shouldn’t they?  The reason is that some of that material could be embarrassing or even damaging to job hunters.  While seeing your English improve over the years is a great reason to keep a running achieve (portfolio) of your work, at a time when employers scour the Web for information about their potential employees, job seekers might not want their older products out there for employers to find.

This probably isn’t the greatest concern, but it is one that I pay more attention to these days.  Identity management is important and only becoming more so.  For this reason, much of the required coursework I require online is behind a wall.  This doesn’t really agree with my personal belief about putting myself out there for the world to see, but it does put the decision in my students’ hands, which is essential.  For those assignments that are out there for the world to see (Twitter, for example), I give students the ability to use pseudonyms (and instruct them how to do so).

What I love about CALL is the focus on extending learning outside of the classroom.  I still believe this is a wonderful goal for teachers and students. However, we really do have to consider their feelings on the subject. Give them the opportunity to participate, but also give them the possibility to do so on the down-low.

Even my Spam is bilingual

I’m amazed that I’m now getting bilingual spam in my inbox.  It’s amazing that someone figured out that I’m an English speaker with Korean connections and then sent spam accordingly.


My warmest greetings to you, how are you and your precious life and health?
I hope you are well sounded in good health, my name is Diana, with a gentle tender heart humble and respectful.
I really want to know more about you.
Please, I hope to hear from you soon, because I have something very important to share with you.

제가 번역하려고

여러분에게 따뜻한 인사 어떻게 귀하와 귀하의 소중한 생명과 건강은?
난 당신이 잘 건강 같았 으면, 내 이름은 겸손과 존경 부드러운 부드러운 마음으로, 다이애나입니다.
난 정말 당신에 대한 자세한 내용을 알고 싶습니다.
당신과 함께 공유 할 수있는 아주 중요한 무언가를 가지고 있기 때문에, 당신이 빨리 왔으면하는 기대하시기 바랍니다.


I give “Diana” great credit for all the work she put into this spam.

My blog has moved

If you hadn’t noticed, I moved my blog to my main site. I thought it was about time for me to bring my blogs back to I have the URL, but I wasn’t really using it well to get my name out there. I loved Posterous, but I didn’t want to host my main site there and I felt a little constrained. Add to that the fact that Twitter bought them and Twitter has ruined a number of my favorite apps and I knew it was time to move.

I’ve also wanted to get to know WordPress a little better so I’m going to be playing around with different widgets, add-ons, and themes until I get to a place that I’m comfortable. I’m also experimenting with Drupal on, but that’s going a lot slower. I’m having a hard time figuring out the basics much less the more complex customizations.

So, check back occasionally. I hope to have this serving as a good base for my activities before too long.

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