Dan's ESL Writing Links

Writing Help by Ruth Vilmi
Ruth Vilmi is one of the most prolific Web developers in ESL. This is a comprehensive list of resources for ESL writers, including: academic, business, e-mail, fiction, technical writing, and much more. Check this out!

Temasek Engineering School OWL
The Temasek Engineering School Online Writing Lab. Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore. ESL writing exercises for engineering students. Really interesting content-based exercises.

The Communication Station
Some great activities for ESL writers. As well as writing links for ESL students and teachers.

Online Resources for Writers
Capital Community Technical College list of ESL writing links

ESL & Writing Links
University of Arizona ESL links.

Advice on Academic Writing
University of Toronto's Academic Writing Advice page. General information on academic writing, using sources, writing genres, and ESL topics.

The Electric Postcard
E-postcards allow students to write and send correspondence to teachers, friends, and family.

DeVry Online Writing Support Center
Resources for writing. How to use e-mail, news groups, forums, etc.... Cyber Reference Desk, with adivce for writers, tutorials.... Search the Web for resources and how to use these resources once found.

Criterion Introduction Page - by ETS
Criteron is ETS's computer writing rater. This is what is used as one of the raters for the G-MAT writing portion. Here you can write on a sample topic and see what the results are.

CVs/Resumes and Covering Letters in English
A great resource for writing CVs/Resumes and Cover Letters in English. This also covers the differences between British and American styles.

Business Letter Punch - Interactive Business letter writing tutorial
Step-by-step online business letter writing tutorial. This is basically a free demo for a larger program that the company is selling.

Advanced Composition for NNS of English
There are specific genre writing tips, professional examples, and student examples.

Writing Links from Dave's ESL Cafe Links page
A list of links to various writing resources on the Web, many of which are for profit businesses.

Purdue University's Online Writing Lab
Assistance for students interested in improving their writing ability. For both NS and NNS.

UIUC service courses list of writing links
A HUGE list of links and resources for students enrolled in writing classes or anyone with questions about academic and/or business writing.

Paradigm Online Writing Assistant: Discovery
Takes students from topic discovery through documenting sources. A full feature site for use with both NS and NNS

ExChange ESL Magazine
A site that allows students to submit their work to an online database of essays, poems, and recipes. Their is also a PenPals database that lists people who want penpals.


Created by Daniel Craig