"; bottomHtml=""; English=new Array("", "Man", "Woman", "Child", "Mr", "Mrs", "Doctor", "King", "Queen", "Prince", "Princess"); Italian=new Array("", "Uomo", "Donna", "Bambino/a", "Signore", "Signora", "Dottore", "Rai", "Rae", "Principe", "Principessa"); Help=new Array("", "When a boy grows up he is a ___", "When a girl grows up she is a ___", "An offspring is also refered to as a ___", "The title before a man's last name", "The title before a woman's last name (if married)", "The title used to describe a person who is a MD, PhD, etc...", "The male ruler of a kingdom is a ___", "the female ruler of a kingdom is a ___", "The male child of a royal couple is a ___", "The female child of a royal couple is a ___"); function reportItemNumber() { if (itemNumber<=0) { nextPrompt(); } else { document.vocabQuiz.textItemNumber.value=itemNumber + " out of " + (English.length-1); } } function nextPrompt() { if (itemNumber<(English.length-1)) { itemNumber++; document.vocabQuiz.textItalian.value=Italian[itemNumber]; reportItemNumber(); document.vocabQuiz.textHelp.value="Vocabulary Help"; } else { document.vocabQuiz.textItemNumber.value="DONE"; document.vocabQuiz.textItalian.value="DONE"; document.vocabQuiz.textEnglish.value="DONE"; document.vocabQuiz.textCorrect.value="DONE"; document.vocabQuiz.textHelp.value="DONE"; } } function removeExtra(originalValue) { var punct, counter, c, lastC, newValue; punct= ";:,.?! "; lastC = " "; newValue = ""; for ( counter = 0; counter < originalValue.length; counter = counter + 1 ) { c = originalValue.charAt(counter); if ( ! (( punct.indexOf(c) >= 0 ) || ( ( c == " " ) && (lastC == " "))) ) { newValue = newValue + c; } lastC = c; } if ( newValue.charAt( newValue.length - 1 ) == " " ) { newValue = newValue.substring( 0, newValue.length - 1 ); } return newValue.toLowerCase(); } function scoreReport() { if (score>0) { document.vocabQuiz.scoreText.value=score/(English.length-1) * 100 + "%"; } else { document.vocabQuiz.scoreText.value="Score"; } } function isCorrect() { adjustedValue=removeExtra(document.vocabQuiz.textEnglish.value); adjustedEnglish=removeExtra(English[itemNumber]); if (adjustedValue==adjustedEnglish) { document.vocabQuiz.textCorrect.value="CORRECT"; score++; scoreCounter=0; } else { document.vocabQuiz.textCorrect.value="NOT CORRECT"; scoreCounter++; } scoreReport(); } function correctWord() { document.vocabQuiz.textEnglish.value=English[itemNumber]; } function goBack() { itemNumber=itemNumber-1; if (itemNumber<=0) { nextPrompt(); } else { itemNumber=itemNumber-1; nextPrompt(); } document.vocabQuiz.textEnglish.value="English Word"; document.vocabQuiz.textCorrect.value="Is the answer correct?"; } function resetItems() { itemNumber=0; document.vocabQuiz.textItemNumber.value="Item number out of total items"; document.vocabQuiz.textItalian.value="Italian Word"; document.vocabQuiz.textEnglish.value="English Word"; document.vocabQuiz.textCorrect.value="Is the answer correct?"; document.vocabQuiz.textHelp.value="Vocabulary Help"; } function vocabTextHelp() { document.vocabQuiz.textHelp.value=Help[itemNumber]; } function vocabFileHelp() { helpWin=window.open("exercisehelp.htm#" + itemNumber, "EXERCISE_HELP", "scrollbars,width=400,height=150"); helpWin.document.close(); } function helpWindow() { helpWin=window.open( "", "EXERCISE_HELP", "scrollbars,width=400,height=150" ); helpWin.document.write(topHtml, "", Help[itemNumber], "", bottomHtml ); helpWin.document.close(); }
Practice your Italian!

Below you will see an Italian word.
Below that write in the English translation.
To check if the answer is correct click the "Check Answer" button.
Click on the "Correct Answer" button to see the English Translation.
To go back to the previous message click on the "Go Back" button.
To go back to the first word in the list click on the "Reset" button.

Item Number:

Italian Prompt:

English Translation:

Correct Response:

Vocabulary Help:




Created by Daniel Craig