What is the EPT?

All international students entering the University of Illinois who received lower than a 607 on the written TOEFL or 253 on the Computerized TOEFL are required to take the EPT (English Proficiency Test). This test consists of two sections: oral and written. The oral section includes a brief interview where students will be asked various questions designed to elicit targeted language areas and will be scored on their responses. The written section is a process. Students are brought into a room where they are given instructions on the how to proceed with the test. They are given an article to read on a pre-chosen topic and a brief video of a lecture relating to the same topic. After having gone through these materials, students are given an hour to write an essay on the topic discussed in both the article and video, using evidence from each as support.

A new experimental workshop is being researched now that would allow students to use the same input materials to write the essay, but would differ in three ways. First, students would get into groups and discuss the materials. Second, students would do peer editing on two other students' essays. Third, students would get a chance to rewrite their essays with the suggestions of their peers. The EPT Prep Page is meant to give users a better idea of what will be expected of them when taking the actual EPT. The design reflects this new workshop procedure. If the user chooses they may receive only the materials and instructions of the current test

Begin the EPT Prep