ESL 401 Z First Day Handout - fall 2000

When & Where:         Tuesday and Thursday

Instructor:       Daniel Craig


Office:             3050 FLB

E-Mail 2:

Office Phone:  (217) 244-7357

Home Phone:  (217) 373-1438 (emergency only)

Office Hours:  10:00 – 11:00 am T/Th


Course Objectives

In this course we will utilize reading, writing, speaking, and listening, the main focus being academic writing.  Students will use these skills to process, discuss, and use information to develop coherent, university quality, academic essays.

Course Goals

· To instruct on the fundamentals of academic writing expected of graduate students at the University of Illinois.

· To use multiple reading strategies to facilitate information gathering; based on purpose and situation.

· To introduce students to the specifics of plagiarism and how it is dealt in the University of Illinois regulations.

· To combine research, writing, and oral presentation skills to produce a significant final project.

Course Materials

· Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers, Fourth Edition by Lynn Quitman Troyka.

· Course Portfolio (collected writing assignments and peer and teacher critiques)

Recommended materials:

· English-English Dictionary

· Thesaurus


You will be graded on the following:

· Unit Essay Assignments (3)


· Final Project


· Homework, Journals, & Portfolio


· Class participation (attendance, discussions, presentations, etc…)


* Students must pass ESL 401 with a B- (80%) or better.  A student who doesn’t meet this requirement will be required to take the class again to fulfill their university requirement.

Course Policies


Students should come to all classes on time.  If you must miss a class contact, contact your teacher via phone or e-mail.

The following is the department attendance policy:

1.   After two unexcused absences will result in a warning from the instructor.

2.   After four unexcused absences will result in a written warning (with a copy going to the student’s advisor) and a conference in the DEIL office.

3.   After six unexcused absences the student and their advisor will receive a letter stating that the student will receive NO participation points and is thus in danger of failing the course.

*    Tardiness (coming late to class) will not be acceptable and will be dealt with on an individual basis.


Students turning in work that is not their own will be dealt with according to university policy.  Plagiarism is treated very seriously and may result in failure of the class and suspension or dismissal from the University.  The topic of plagiarism will be explored deeply in this class, so there will be no confusion. 


All assignments must be turned in at the beginning of class on the day due.  An assignment will be considered late after this.  Assignments will be marked down 10% for each day they are late (i.e., after class & the next day = -10%, 2 days late = -20%, and 3 days late = -30%,).  After 3 days, assignments will not be accepted; only days during the business week will be counted, Monday through Friday.