Using PowerPoint for Presentations

Easy Professional Presentations

PowerPoint is the software of choice for businessmen throughout the world. It is a powerful, easy-to-use program that allows people to create interesting and even entertaining presentations in a relatively short time. Of course in this age of the Internet, it also allows you to publish your presentation online. Since this is available on both Windows and OS platforms, it makes for a great tool to use in many different circumstances. This is why we are going to learn to use PowerPoint today.

First watch the instructor use PowerPoint to show you how to use it.

Now that you have an idea about how to use PowerPoint I'd like you to have some fun with it. Each student is going to create a brief presentation discribing themselves. Where are you from? What do you like doing? What are your talents? Describe your family..... These are merely a few ideas for you to use. You are welcome to use your own ideas to complete this project. You will have the rest of today's class to finish and of course you can always go to another lab later today if you need to. If you have any problems, please ask.

At the beginning of the next class you will be given 3 minutes to make your presentation. Make sure that you have enough material to last 3 minutes, but not too much so that you go over your time limit. Since will don't have much time I will have to cut people off that go too long.


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Created by Daniel Craig