Tag Archives: ALAK

ALAK 2014 CALL Fair – Screencasting Apps Evaluation

Free Screencasting Web Apps and Software for the Creation of Flipped Classroom Video Lectures (ppt)

This is an extension of the presentation that I did the previous week at KAMALL. I evaluated a number of different Screencasting (and presentationcasting) PC, mobile, and Web tools. It was interesting to see what they were all capable of. My favorite is still Screencast-O-Matic, but I may upgrade to Camtasia in near future (Christmas present to myself?). Check out the PPT (above) for more information.


Add some of your own reviews of screencasting apps using this form. I’ll try to update the form itself based on feedback.

Skypecasts as a mediator of authentic communication – ALAK 2007

Just got back from a wonderful conference. The Applied Linguistics Association of Korea (ALAK) put on a great show at Sookmyoung Women’s University today.

Jungtae Kim and I participated in the CALL Fair. We put together a little presentation on the use of Skypecasting in language learning. If you have used Skype, you know that it is a great program, but have you used the Skypecast function? Most people haven’t, but it has great potential for autonomous learners and even more formal classrooms. Take a look at the presentation and abstract below. Then follow the link to a quick video on setting up a Skypecast.

Of course, I have to be completely honest. Skypecasts were down today and even last night when I recorded the video. They have been down a lot lately. However, I’m sure that they will be back up and running, but even if they are not there are a few similar sites out there that can be used in a similar manner.

Here is our presentation.

Here is our outline.

Here is a link to a video that we created on creating Skypecasts: Video

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or suggestions


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