Tag Archives: change

Changing Education Paradigms, Ken Robinson

This was a great presentation and a the animation just made it that much better. Ken Robinson is on the (cutting) edge of calls for change in education. Not simple, and likely ineffective, changes like performance pay, but big picture changes. Changes that eliminate the current system and really begin to focus on the students’ needs rather than the needs of the system as a whole. These are great, long-term ideas that will likely find their way to mainstream thinking in the not-to-distant future.

Some of his ideas you will likely agree with and others not so much. Personally, I think that he is a bit to hard on ADHD given that there are genetic markers for the disease. Though, I’m also with him in thinking that it is over-diagnosed and over-medicated (though it’s just a feeling and not based on a deeper knowledge of the issue).

The coming melt-down in higher education – I think he underestimates the culture of prestige

The coming melt-down in higher education (as seen by a marketer)

For 400 years, higher education in the US has been on a roll. From Harvard asking Galileo to be a guest professor in the 1600s to millions tuning in to watch a team of unpaid athletes play another team of unpaid athletes in some college sporting event, the amount of time and money and prestige in the college world has been climbing.

I’m afraid that’s about to crash and burn. Here’s how I’m looking at it.

1. Most colleges are organized to give an average education to average students.

Pick up any college brochure or catalog. Delete the brand names and the map. Can you tell which school it is? While there are outliers (like St. Johns, Deep Springs or Full Sail) most schools aren’t really outliers. They are mass marketers.

2. College has gotten expensive far faster than wages have gone up.

As a result, there are millions of people in very serious debt, debt so big it might take decades to repay. Word gets around. Won’t get fooled again…

3. The definition of ‘best’ is under siege.

4. The correlation between a typical college degree and success is suspect.

5. Accreditation isn’t the solution, it’s the problem.

A lot of these ills are the result of uniform accreditation programs that have pushed high-cost, low-reward policies on institutions and rewarded schools that churn out young wanna-be professors instead of experiences that turn out leaders and problem-solvers.

I’m one of the first to say that the next 20 years won’t look like the last 20 years in higher education when asked about the future of education. I even share many of the same sentiments as Godin. I differ in my estimate of the direct of this change.

Prestige will always skew the market and many of these universities sell prestige. Not just the Ivy League schools, but most of the large state schools do this as well. Prestige has both local and global effects. That big State U. generally has a lot of prestige in the local/regional context, whereas the Ivy League schools (not to mention the other more well-known schools) have it on a more global scale. This prestige factor isn’t going to disappear quickly. There is too much invested in it.

Prestige doesn’t just benefit the student and job-seeker. Prestige benefits the alumni all the way to the board room (and into the community). Their educational background is the foundation for this prestige in many cases. It makes them part of a larger, loose network. Prestige is by it’s very nature an illusion propped up by the schools, applicants, alumni, and their interactions with society at large. Change in this dynamic runs deep and the holders of power in this dynamic will struggle to maintain power.

With that said, I agree with Godin when it comes to the fate of those schools lacking the prestige factor (or even those at the lower rungs). They are the ones who will either change or perish. These schools have to offer more for less. The growing education markets both within the country and abroad are beginning to eat their lunch.

The Schools Our Children Deserve – C-SPAN Video Library

The Schools Our Children Deserve

Oct 27, 1999

Mr. Kohn talks about his book, The Schools Our Children Deserve: Moving Beyond Traditional Classrooms and “Tougher Standards”, published by Houghton Mifflin. The book challenges the current state of education, and proposes multi-age, interdisciplinary classrooms. After his remarks he answered questions from the audience.

I like the talk, so the book sounds interesting. If you have trouble finding the link, go here: http://www.c-spanarchives.org/program/ID/137405

His opinions closely resemble my own. While I don’t hope to see the changes that I want any time soon, given entrenched beliefs and the real pain that transformation would involve, I would like to see the current system fade away in preference of more flexible notions of schools, grades, classes, teachers, and so forth. I encourage you to see the video.

I’ve heard a lot about this book (it’s quite old by now), but I’ve never read it. Might be time to do so.

An Open Letter to Educators

An entertaining video to get the point across on the need to change education. These are talking points that most teachers involved with 21st Century learning skills have hurt many times, but it’s an energetic plea that might make others interested too.

My favorite quote:

“society no longer cares how many facts we can memorize”

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