Tag Archives: social media

Totlol – Video for Kids. Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, Grade School, Tweens and Parents

Totlol – Video for Kids. Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers, Grade School, Tweens and Parents

Looking for child-safe videos, this may be the place. It’s tough to know just how well this will work, but if the community grows and becomes active, it could be great. The site pulls content from YouTube and the community moderates it. In addition, no questionable Google Ads along the side advertising “Go Get Your Date On.”

The only problem that I see so far is that they stripped the ability to embed. Ning was able to do it, so I think that it’s doable. They will see adoption lag (maybe deadly lag) unless they do this. It’s all about sharing these days. Mommy and Daddy blogs want to sharing this content. They don’t want to send people off their pages.

Here’s a good example of videos on the site

At this point, there is no advertising. This is good, because who likes ads. It’s bad because without ads they’ll never be able to pay the bills and this will float away. I just hope they don’t ruin everything and throw up Google Ads.

Commoncraft “…in plain English” videos

Commoncraft has a series of “…in plain English” videos that are great. I’ll embed some of them here.

This one is about social networking. This is a fundamental concept that you should understand.

This one is about RSS, which is the most popular standard for XML syndication.

This one is on social bookmarking, which will be central to my presentation.

This one is on using Wikis.

This one is on using Google Docs.


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